1 /**
2  * Alternate implementations of single-precision math functions missing in at
3  * least some 32-bit x86 MS VC runtime versions.
4  * These alternate symbols are referenced in the rt.msvc module.
5  *
6  * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2015.
7  * License: Distributed under the
8  *      $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0).
9  *    (See accompanying file LICENSE)
10  * Authors:   Martin Kinkelin
11  * Source:    $(DRUNTIMESRC rt/_msvc_math.d)
12  */
13 module rt.msvc_math;
15 version (CRuntime_Microsoft):
16 version (X86):
18 import core.stdc.math;
20 extern(C):
21 @trusted:
22 nothrow:
23 @nogc:
25 mixin template AltImpl(string baseName)
26 {
27     mixin("float _msvc_"~baseName~"f(float x) { return cast(float) "~baseName~"(x); }");
28 }
29 mixin template AltImpl2(string baseName)
30 {
31     mixin("float _msvc_"~baseName~"f(float x, float y) { return cast(float) "~baseName~"(x, y); }");
32 }
34 mixin AltImpl!"acos";
35 mixin AltImpl!"asin";
36 mixin AltImpl!"atan";
37 mixin AltImpl2!"atan2";
38 mixin AltImpl!"cos";
39 mixin AltImpl!"sin";
40 mixin AltImpl!"tan";
41 mixin AltImpl!"cosh";
42 mixin AltImpl!"sinh";
43 mixin AltImpl!"tanh";
44 mixin AltImpl!"exp";
45 mixin AltImpl!"log";
46 mixin AltImpl!"log10";
47 mixin AltImpl2!"pow";
48 mixin AltImpl!"sqrt";
49 mixin AltImpl!"ceil";
50 mixin AltImpl!"floor";
51 mixin AltImpl2!"fmod";
53 float _msvc_modff(float value, float* iptr)
54 {
55     double di;
56     const result = cast(float) modf(value, &di);
57     *iptr = cast(float) di;
58     return result;
59 }