- addEnumMembersToSymtab
void addEnumMembersToSymtab(EnumDeclaration ed, Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds)
Add members of EnumDeclaration to the symbol table(s).
- adjustLocForMixin
Loc adjustLocForMixin(const(char)[] input, Loc loc, Output mixinOut)
Set up loc for a parse of a mixin. Append the input text to the mixin.
- checkPrintfScanfSignature
void checkPrintfScanfSignature(FuncDeclaration funcdecl, TypeFunction f, Scope* sc)
Check signature of pragma(printf) function, print error if invalid.
- determineFields
bool determineFields(AggregateDeclaration ad)
Find all instance fields in ad, then push them into fields.
- dsymbolSemantic
void dsymbolSemantic(Dsymbol dsym, Scope* sc)
Does semantic analysis on the public face of declarations.
- evalPragmaInline
PINLINE evalPragmaInline(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expressions* args)
Interpret a pragma(inline, x)
- getAlignment
AlignDeclaration getAlignment(AlignDeclaration ad, Scope* sc)
Determine the numerical value of the AlignmentDeclaration
Does the semantic 1 pass on the AST, which looks at symbol declarations but not initializers or function bodies.