1 /**
2  * D binding to C++ std::allocator.
3  *
4  * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2019 D Language Foundation
5  * License: Distributed under the
6  *      $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0).
7  *    (See accompanying file LICENSE)
8  * Authors:   Manu Evans
9  * Source:    $(DRUNTIMESRC core/stdcpp/allocator.d)
10  */
12 module core.stdcpp.allocator;
14 import core.stdcpp.new_;
15 import core.stdcpp.xutility : StdNamespace, __cpp_sized_deallocation, __cpp_aligned_new;
17 extern(C++, (StdNamespace)):
19 /**
20  * Allocators are classes that define memory models to be used by some parts of
21  * the C++ Standard Library, and most specifically, by STL containers.
22  */
23 extern(C++, class)
24 struct allocator(T)
25 {
26     static assert(!is(T == const), "The C++ Standard forbids containers of const elements because allocator!(const T) is ill-formed.");
27     static assert(!is(T == immutable), "immutable is not representable in C++");
28     static assert(!is(T == class), "Instantiation with `class` is not supported; D can't mangle the base (non-pointer) type of a class. Use `extern (C++, class) struct T { ... }` instead.");
29 extern(D):
31     ///
32     this(U)(ref allocator!U) {}
34     ///
35     alias size_type = size_t;
36     ///
37     alias difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
38     ///
39     alias pointer = T*;
40     ///
41     alias value_type = T;
43     ///
44     enum propagate_on_container_move_assignment = true;
45     ///
46     enum is_always_equal = true;
48     ///
49     alias rebind(U) = allocator!U;
51     version (CppRuntime_Microsoft)
52     {
53         import core.stdcpp.xutility : _MSC_VER;
55         ///
56         T* allocate(size_t count) @nogc
57         {
58             static if (_MSC_VER <= 1800)
59             {
60                 import core.stdcpp.xutility : _Xbad_alloc;
61                 if (count == 0)
62                     return null;
63                 void* mem;
64                 if ((size_t.max / T.sizeof < count) || (mem = __cpp_new(count * T.sizeof)) is null)
65                     _Xbad_alloc();
66                 return cast(T*)mem;
67             }
68             else
69             {
70                 enum _Align = _New_alignof!T;
72                 static size_t _Get_size_of_n(T)(const size_t _Count)
73                 {
74                     static if (T.sizeof == 1)
75                         return _Count;
76                     else
77                     {
78                         enum size_t _Max_possible = size_t.max / T.sizeof;
79                         return _Max_possible < _Count ? size_t.max : _Count * T.sizeof;
80                     }
81                 }
83                 const size_t _Bytes = _Get_size_of_n!T(count);
84                 if (_Bytes == 0)
85                     return null;
87                 static if (!__cpp_aligned_new || _Align <= __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
88                 {
89                     version (INTEL_ARCH)
90                     {
91                         if (_Bytes >= _Big_allocation_threshold)
92                             return cast(T*)_Allocate_manually_vector_aligned(_Bytes);
93                     }
94                     return cast(T*)__cpp_new(_Bytes);
95                 }
96                 else
97                 {
98                     size_t _Passed_align = _Align;
99                     version (INTEL_ARCH)
100                     {
101                         if (_Bytes >= _Big_allocation_threshold)
102                             _Passed_align = _Align < _Big_allocation_alignment ? _Big_allocation_alignment : _Align;
103                     }
104                     return cast(T*)__cpp_new_aligned(_Bytes, cast(align_val_t)_Passed_align);
105                 }
106             }
107         }
108         ///
109         void deallocate(T* ptr, size_t count) @nogc
110         {
111             static if (_MSC_VER <= 1800)
112             {
113                 __cpp_delete(ptr);
114             }
115             else
116             {
117                 // this is observed from VS2017
118                 void* _Ptr = ptr;
119                 size_t _Bytes = T.sizeof * count;
121                 enum _Align = _New_alignof!T;
122                 static if (!__cpp_aligned_new || _Align <= __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
123                 {
124                     version (INTEL_ARCH)
125                     {
126                         if (_Bytes >= _Big_allocation_threshold)
127                             _Adjust_manually_vector_aligned(_Ptr, _Bytes);
128                     }
129                     static if (_MSC_VER <= 1900)
130                         __cpp_delete(ptr);
131                     else
132                         __cpp_delete_size(_Ptr, _Bytes);
133                 }
134                 else
135                 {
136                     size_t _Passed_align = _Align;
137                     version (INTEL_ARCH)
138                     {
139                         if (_Bytes >= _Big_allocation_threshold)
140                             _Passed_align = _Align < _Big_allocation_alignment ? _Big_allocation_alignment : _Align;
141                     }
142                     __cpp_delete_size_aligned(_Ptr, _Bytes, cast(align_val_t)_Passed_align);
143                 }
144             }
145         }
147         ///
148         enum size_t max_size = size_t.max / T.sizeof;
149     }
150     else version (CppRuntime_Gcc)
151     {
152         ///
153         T* allocate(size_t count, const(void)* = null) @nogc
154         {
155 //            if (count > max_size)
156 //                std::__throw_bad_alloc();
158             static if (__cpp_aligned_new && T.alignof > __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
159                 return cast(T*)__cpp_new_aligned(count * T.sizeof, cast(align_val_t)T.alignof);
160             else
161                 return cast(T*)__cpp_new(count * T.sizeof);
162         }
163         ///
164         void deallocate(T* ptr, size_t count) @nogc
165         {
166             // NOTE: GCC doesn't seem to use the sized delete when it's available...
168             static if (__cpp_aligned_new && T.alignof > __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
169                 __cpp_delete_aligned(cast(void*)ptr, cast(align_val_t)T.alignof);
170             else
171                 __cpp_delete(cast(void*)ptr);
172         }
174         ///
175         enum size_t max_size = (ptrdiff_t.max < size_t.max ? cast(size_t)ptrdiff_t.max : size_t.max) / T.sizeof;
176     }
177     else version (CppRuntime_Clang)
178     {
179         ///
180         T* allocate(size_t count, const(void)* = null) @nogc
181         {
182 //            if (count > max_size)
183 //                __throw_length_error("allocator!T.allocate(size_t n) 'n' exceeds maximum supported size");
185             static if (__cpp_aligned_new && T.alignof > __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
186                 return cast(T*)__cpp_new_aligned(count * T.sizeof, cast(align_val_t)T.alignof);
187             else
188                 return cast(T*)__cpp_new(count * T.sizeof);
189         }
190         ///
191         void deallocate(T* ptr, size_t count) @nogc
192         {
193             static if (__cpp_aligned_new && T.alignof > __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__)
194             {
195                 static if (__cpp_sized_deallocation)
196                     return __cpp_delete_size_aligned(cast(void*)ptr, count * T.sizeof, cast(align_val_t)T.alignof);
197                 else
198                     return __cpp_delete_aligned(cast(void*)ptr, cast(align_val_t)T.alignof);
199             }
200             else static if (__cpp_sized_deallocation)
201                 return __cpp_delete_size(cast(void*)ptr, count * T.sizeof);
202             else
203                 return __cpp_delete(cast(void*)ptr);
204         }
206         ///
207         enum size_t max_size = size_t.max / T.sizeof;
208     }
209     else
210     {
211         static assert(false, "C++ runtime not supported");
212     }
213 }
215 ///
216 extern(C++, (StdNamespace))
217 struct allocator_traits(Alloc)
218 {
219     import core.internal.traits : isTrue;
221     ///
222     alias allocator_type = Alloc;
223     ///
224     alias value_type = allocator_type.value_type;
225     ///
226     alias size_type = allocator_type.size_type;
227     ///
228     alias difference_type = allocator_type.difference_type;
229     ///
230     alias pointer = allocator_type.pointer;
232     ///
233     enum propagate_on_container_copy_assignment = isTrue!(allocator_type, "propagate_on_container_copy_assignment");
234     ///
235     enum propagate_on_container_move_assignment = isTrue!(allocator_type, "propagate_on_container_move_assignment");
236     ///
237     enum propagate_on_container_swap = isTrue!(allocator_type, "propagate_on_container_swap");
238     ///
239     enum is_always_equal = isTrue!(allocator_type, "is_always_equal");
241     ///
242     template rebind_alloc(U)
243     {
244         static if (__traits(hasMember, allocator_type, "rebind"))
245             alias rebind_alloc = allocator_type.rebind!U;
246         else
247             alias rebind_alloc = allocator_type!U;
248     }
249     ///
250     alias rebind_traits(U) = allocator_traits!(rebind_alloc!U);
252     ///
253     static size_type max_size()(auto ref allocator_type a)
254     {
255         static if (__traits(hasMember, allocator_type, "max_size"))
256             return a.max_size();
257         else
258             return size_type.max / value_type.sizeof;
259     }
261     ///
262     static allocator_type select_on_container_copy_construction()(auto ref allocator_type a)
263     {
264         static if (__traits(hasMember, allocator_type, "select_on_container_copy_construction"))
265             return a.select_on_container_copy_construction();
266         else
267             return a;
268     }
269 }
271 private:
273 // MSVC has some bonus complexity!
274 version (CppRuntime_Microsoft)
275 {
276     // some versions of VS require a `* const` pointer mangling hack
277     // we need a way to supply the target VS version to the compile
278     version = NeedsMangleHack;
280     version (X86)
281         version = INTEL_ARCH;
282     version (X86_64)
283         version = INTEL_ARCH;
285     // HACK: should we guess _DEBUG for `debug` builds?
286     version (_DEBUG)
287         enum _DEBUG = true;
288     else version (NDEBUG)
289         enum _DEBUG = false;
290     else
291     {
292         import core.stdcpp.xutility : __CXXLIB__;
293         enum _DEBUG = __CXXLIB__.length && 'd' == __CXXLIB__[$-1]; // libcmtd, msvcrtd
294     }
296     enum _New_alignof(T) = T.alignof > __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__ ? T.alignof : __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__;
298     version (INTEL_ARCH)
299     {
300         enum size_t _Big_allocation_threshold = 4096;
301         enum size_t _Big_allocation_alignment = 32;
303         static assert(2 * (void*).sizeof <= _Big_allocation_alignment, "Big allocation alignment should at least match vector register alignment");
304         static assert((v => v != 0 && (v & (v - 1)) == 0)(_Big_allocation_alignment), "Big allocation alignment must be a power of two");
305         static assert(size_t.sizeof == (void*).sizeof, "uintptr_t is not the same size as size_t");
307         // NOTE: this must track `_DEBUG` macro used in C++...
308         static if (_DEBUG)
309             enum size_t _Non_user_size = 2 * (void*).sizeof + _Big_allocation_alignment - 1;
310         else
311             enum size_t _Non_user_size = (void*).sizeof + _Big_allocation_alignment - 1;
313         version (Win64)
314             enum size_t _Big_allocation_sentinel = 0xFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFA;
315         else
316             enum size_t _Big_allocation_sentinel = 0xFAFAFAFA;
318         extern(D) // Template so it gets compiled according to _DEBUG.
319         void* _Allocate_manually_vector_aligned()(const size_t _Bytes) @nogc
320         {
321             size_t _Block_size = _Non_user_size + _Bytes;
322             if (_Block_size <= _Bytes)
323                 _Block_size = size_t.max;
325             const size_t _Ptr_container = cast(size_t)__cpp_new(_Block_size);
326             if (!(_Ptr_container != 0))
327                 assert(false, "invalid argument");
328             void* _Ptr = cast(void*)((_Ptr_container + _Non_user_size) & ~(_Big_allocation_alignment - 1));
329             (cast(size_t*)_Ptr)[-1] = _Ptr_container;
331             static if (_DEBUG)
332                 (cast(size_t*)_Ptr)[-2] = _Big_allocation_sentinel;
333             return (_Ptr);
334         }
336         extern(D) // Template so it gets compiled according to _DEBUG.
337         void _Adjust_manually_vector_aligned()(ref void* _Ptr, ref size_t _Bytes) pure nothrow @nogc
338         {
339             _Bytes += _Non_user_size;
341             const size_t* _Ptr_user = cast(size_t*)_Ptr;
342             const size_t _Ptr_container = _Ptr_user[-1];
344             // If the following asserts, it likely means that we are performing
345             // an aligned delete on memory coming from an unaligned allocation.
346             static if (_DEBUG)
347                 assert(_Ptr_user[-2] == _Big_allocation_sentinel, "invalid argument");
349             // Extra paranoia on aligned allocation/deallocation; ensure _Ptr_container is
350             // in range [_Min_back_shift, _Non_user_size]
351             static if (_DEBUG)
352                 enum size_t _Min_back_shift = 2 * (void*).sizeof;
353             else
354                 enum size_t _Min_back_shift = (void*).sizeof;
356             const size_t _Back_shift = cast(size_t)_Ptr - _Ptr_container;
357             if (!(_Back_shift >= _Min_back_shift && _Back_shift <= _Non_user_size))
358                 assert(false, "invalid argument");
359             _Ptr = cast(void*)_Ptr_container;
360         }
361     }
362 }
363 version (CppRuntime_Clang)
364 {
365     // Helper for container swap
366     package(core.stdcpp) void __swap_allocator(Alloc)(ref Alloc __a1, ref Alloc __a2)
367     {
368         import core.internal.lifetime : swap;
370         static if (allocator_traits!Alloc.propagate_on_container_swap)
371             swap(__a1, __a2);
372     }
373 }